Affordable furoshiki as a gift wrap

Small Size Gift


Medium Size Gift

See the size chart  

138 Items

190.91 ฿
214.78 ฿
167.05 ฿
190.91 ฿
190.91 ฿
167.05 ฿
167.05 ฿
190.91 ฿
190.91 ฿
214.78 ฿
238.64 ฿
190.91 ฿
190.91 ฿
214.78 ฿
214.78 ฿
214.78 ฿
238.64 ฿
238.64 ฿
214.78 ฿
238.64 ฿
167.05 ฿
238.64 ฿
214.78 ฿
190.91 ฿
238.64 ฿
190.91 ฿
190.91 ฿
214.78 ฿
238.64 ฿
190.91 ฿
238.64 ฿
238.64 ฿
214.78 ฿
214.78 ฿
238.64 ฿
167.05 ฿
167.05 ฿
119.32 ฿

The Road To Furoshiki